Redefining the Role of Sketches: From Rough Drafts to Proposals
Embracing Confidence and Ditching Modesty
Identifying Your Strengths
Time Management Awareness
Staying Informed About Trends
For illustrators, the decision to turn their hobby of drawing into a profession marked a pivotal moment in their lives. During this transition, they began to view their rough sketches not as mere personal expressions but as "proposals." This shift in perspective was a significant turning point in their careers.
Embracing Confidence and Ditching Modesty
During their transition from hobbyists to professionals, they decided not to downplay their artistic abilities. They recognized that expressions like "I wish I had better drawing skills" or "I'm not a master artist" were no longer acceptable as professionals. Just as one would expect a chef to stand proudly behind their dishes, they understood the importance of being honest and committed to their artistry.
Identifying Your Strengths
The question "What kind of illustrations are you best at?" is often a critical opportunity in the illustrators' journey. They emphasize the importance of having a clear answer to this question and decide to identify their specific strengths. Defining their niche helped them establish their professional identities.
Time Management Awareness
As hobbyists, they used to draw without a care in the world about time. However, transitioning to professional artists introduced deadlines and work commitments. To manage their time effectively and avoid the stress of last-minute work, they learned to plan their projects carefully. Proper time management is crucial for professional illustrators.
Staying Informed About Trends
Originally indifferent to art trends, they realized the significance of keeping an eye on market demands as professional illustrators. To meet their clients' expectations, they adopted a proactive approach to stay updated with current trends. Being aware of what's popular became a crucial aspect of their work.
Building Connections Beyond Your Comfort Zone
With a limited social network as students, they decided to be more proactive in building connections. They started attending networking events and engaging with people on social media to expand their network. In the end, developing relationships with others played a crucial role in widening their horizons and improving their communication skills.
Tips to Prevent Regrets: Distinguishing Between Hobby and Profession
To avoid regret when transitioning from a hobby to a profession, it is crucial to clearly differentiate between the two. By embracing a new mindset where skills previously used for personal enjoyment are now applied professionally, one can reduce the likelihood of regret.
Differences Between Illustrating as a Hobby and a Profession
Differences Between Illustrating as a Hobby and a Profession
There are distinct differences between illustrating as a hobby and as a profession. Maintaining a clear separation between the two and adjusting one's skills and approach accordingly is essential for success as professional illustrators.
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