The World of "Oshi no Ko" Crafted Through Exceptional Collaboration
"Oshi no Ko" is a captivating series serialized in 'Weekly Young Jump' (Shueisha), a creation born from the collaboration between Akasaka Aka and Yokoyari Mengo, presenting a fresh perspective on the entertainment industry. The announcement of the production of the anime's second season has sparked great anticipation among fans.
Unveiling of Season 2 Teaser Visual and Broadcasting Schedule
At the "Oshi no Ko Special Event: Ichigo Production ☆ Fan Appreciation Festival 2023," the teaser visual for the second season was revealed, and it was confirmed to premiere in 2024. This announcement has significantly heightened anticipation within the fan community.
Elevated Expectations with the Release of a Special Video
In celebration of the teaser visual's unveiling, a special video was also released to fans. This additional content has amplified excitement and anticipation for the second season. The buildup toward the eagerly awaited broadcast in 2024 continues to intensify, stirring greater enthusiasm among fans.
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